Browse good practices

Title Subject of practice Educational level Target groups Country Ratedsort descending
Landing on a comet! The Rosetta project. scientific Secondary Education Any Greece
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  • 5
Easy Java Simulations for Inquiry Based Learning in STEM Disciplines scientific Secondary Education Teacher Greece
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  • 5
Interactive Web Comics 4Learning languages Secondary Education Learner Greece
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  • 5
Web 2.0 community building for teachers Other Any Learner Greece
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Wiki training scenarios, a Pedagogical Framework fostering Wiki uses applied Any Any Switzerland
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Geschichte der Informatik (history of computer sciences) applied Secondary Education Learner Austria
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Hands-On ICT - Learn, Practice, Teach Creativity and ICT it can be applied in any field Any Teacher Greece
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Comentario de un cuadro arts Secondary Education Teacher Spain
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  • 5
Multimedia Course arts Higher Education Teacher Poland
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Netizens, the first manual on eCulture on work, education and family life eCulture Any Any Switzerland
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